An ABC of Democratic Citizenship

winner of Horizon Europe Seeds Uniba call.

The project “An ABC of Democratic Citizenship. “Community-Based Participatory Research” through Sciences & Humanities” won the competitive call of the University of Bari named  “Horizon Europe Seeds” and  it is financed  by PNR ( Fund for promotion and development of the National Research Program policies), assigned to the University of Bari, with the aim of constituting “cross- disciplinary research initiatives” about important and cross-cutting issues for PNR.


The project consists of a mapping of concepts and practices aimed at:


  • initiating processes of active citizenship [Democracy]; 
  • promoting joint enhancement of natural and cultural assets [Heritage and Culture];

innovatively linking education and lifelong learning in connection with European policies [Social and Economic Transformation].

Horizon Europe Seed is one of the initiatives included in the research policy of the University of Bari. Its purpose is to strengthen research excellence and to promote collaborations among researchers belonging to different cultural areas, by making them more  participative in the academic and scientific community. This program also nurtures the presence of the researchers in an international scenary and their integration in the system of the local development.  For this purpose, every financed project is committed to cross-disciplinary research proposals, grounded on competences, structures and human resources, which can easily be integrated. This makes the University of Bari highly competitive as concerns the possibility of attribution of European fundings, with particular reference to the program Horizon Europe.


The last objective of the proposal and of the related activities (which will be spread in 18 months) is building a “Memorandum of Understanding” in order to create an European network which could apply for a European call of the program HE. 

AbcD is part of the Pillar II, Cluster “ Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies” and involves 6 disciplinary areas and 19 researchers.


Principal Investigator: Annalisa Caputo 


Area 2 (Physics): Marcello Abbrescia (K.A), Maurizio Gasperini, Luigi Tedesco,

Area 4 (Earth Sciences): Gioacchino Tempesta (K.A), Giovanna Agrosì, Anna Maria Fornelli.

Area 5  (Biology): Porzia Maiorano (K.A), Francesca Capezzuto, Cataldo Pierri

Area 10 (Greek and Latin) : Tiziana Drago (K.A), Irma Ciccarelli, Piero Totaro

Area 11 (History and Philosophy) : Annalisa Caputo (K.A), Giuseppina Strummiello, Claudia Villani

Area 12 (Economics and Legal Studies of the Mediterranean Area) : Laura Tafaro (K.A), Barbara Borrillo, Maria Casola, Maria Colomba Perchinunno.

By clicking here  it is possible to read the full proposal presented to the Call “Horizon Europe Seeds Uniba”

2) General Objectives of the Proposal

The proposal intends to combine the objectives of the three Cluster2 focus areas in an original way around the 

  • interdisciplinary (Sciences&Humanities: S&H),
  • endorsed (Community-Based Participatory Research: CBPR),
  • synergic (Universities/Schools/Territories/Stakeholders),


It will involve, in summary, selecting a list of terms/objectives (A to Z) and working on them


  • with the support of Uniba researchers (six disciplinary areas: three in the sciences, three in the humanities);
  • with input from the stakeholders and citizens involved from time to time (citizen science); 
  • starting with school and territorial communities.



During the 18 months (duration of the project) will be structured the following activities:


– workshops

– seminars

– conferences

– study days.


These will be focused on: 

  • consolidating the collaboration between the parties interested in applying for projects in Horizon Europe calls;

Initiating "pilot experiences" with community groups (with attention to gender equality and inclusion); e.g.

  • male and female students and researchers from different disciplines and/or universities; 
  • randomly selected teachers and classes, from Kindergarten to High School;
  • significant locations in the area (e.g.: urban laboratories, archives, museums, tourist or suburban areas, cultural/natural assets);

Supporting these pilot communities:

  • starting with a “term” (chosen by the stakeholders); 
  • by initiating practices related to “that” word-problem and active citizenship experiences
  • employing digital technologies in the service of the ABC;

Presenting the results

  • in public events located throughout the territory, featuring the pilot communities 
  • and on a site, which will allow for
  • dissemination of the results; 
  • appreciation of the participants; 
  • expansion of the network to the local/national/European level.

Project Partnerships

58 partners have supported the initiative since the project idea has been presented. They are:

  • National or regional authorities, local associations, non-profit organizations
  • Five national entities:

Four regional entities:

  Nine Associations:

They will support the project by collaborating in working tables linked to their skills/interests:

  • Citizenship education, legality, gender equality, transparent communication: a, c, g, k, m, o
  • Culture/cultural assets/urban workshops: f, h, i, n, p, q, r
  • Biodiversity research, nature trails: b, d, j
  • Valuing people with disabilities and inclusive society: e, l


School Networks


Entities which have been taking part in the AbCD Network since the first months of the project


Nine schools:

  • Liceo “Flacco” (Bari)
  • Liceo “Scacchi” (Bari)
  • Liceo “Bianchi Dottula” (Bari)
  • Liceo “Da Vinci” (Bisceglie)
  • Secondaria di primo grado “Massari Galilei” (Bari)
  • Secondaria di primo grado “N. Festa” (Matera)
  • Istituto Tecnico “Lenoci” (Bari)
  • Istituto Tecnico “Marconi” (Bari)

Entities, Associations, Theatres; cultural, social and political entities: 

  • Reti civiche (Bari)
  • Università della Terza età (Bari)
  • Il Teatro dei Borgia
  • L’Istituto Penale per i Minorenni “Fornelli” di Bari
  • Il Kismet/Teatri di Bari
  • La Compagnia CasaTeatro Aps
  • Il Dipartimento di Salute mentale di Taranto 
  • Il Teatro Patologico di Roma 
  • La Compagnia Licia Lanera 
  • Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale
  • Consulta nazionale di filosofia
  • Ufficio scolastico regionale (Puglia)
  • Associazione Philosophia ludens
  • Associazione Amica Sofia
  • Associazione Inventio
  • Forum dei Bambini (Bari)
  •, rivista internazionale open access
  • European festival ancient Greece (Agon europeo per le scuole, aprile 2023)
  • L’assessorato delle Culture del Comune di Trani 
  • Società Nazionale Debate Italia

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